According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in technology are projected to grow 13%, from 2016 to 2026. This is the fastest growth among all occupations, which amounts to approximately 600,000 new jobs in the United States, and 5 million globally. Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Information Security will lead the charge in technology specializations and are of high value.
“Cloudmil is committed to inspiring youth, to enter into a tech career by participating in various forms of school programming that show youth how working in tech can transform their lives.”
In 2017, the median wage for all occupations was $37,690, while the median wage for all technology occupations was $84,580. Given this wealth of opportunity, there is a skill shortage for many of these roles. Cloudmil is committed to inspiring youth, to enter into a tech career by participating in various forms of school programming that show children how working in tech can transform their lives.
Each year, Tech companies release an annual diversity report. The report is centered around the company's commitment to diversity and inclusion. The language in the report is hopeful, but sometimes the data tells a different story. Google, Facebook, and Microsoft each have less than 5% employee representation from those who identify as Black. There are various theories to why this is, but we view statistics like this one as a reflection of the amount of Blacks employed in Tech roles, across the United States.
“Google, Facebook, and Microsoft each have less than 5% employee representation from those who identify as Black.”